Reticle Stockers
The Seminet Stocker is ultra-clean, fully automated reticle storage solution. We provide industry leading storage of up to 13,500 bare reticles and the highest storage density of up to 45 reticles per square feet. Our third-generation modular design is configurable for 1,500, 3,900, 8,700 or 13,500 reticles.

Reticle Handlers

The Seminet Reticle Handler is the fourth generation in automated reticle handling, inspection, and cleaning of 6" inch square reticles.
Unique Automatic Inspect-and-Clean capability
Industry leading 1 micron inspection capability
Automated reticle transfers between shipping boxes and stepper pods
Automatic reticle orientation for stepper compatibility

Pod Buffer
The Seminet Pod Buffer provides a space efficient solution for Pod storage in an automated cleanroom environment with the following features:
Stores 16-48 FOUP/SMIFs or Reticle SMIFs
Stand alone or Integrated with any OEM tool
Supports AGV, PGV and OHT Delivery
GEM Messaging to Host or integrated with OEM tool
Carousel Pod Stocker
The Seminet Carousel Pod Stocker proivdes a spaced-efficient solution for Pod storage in an automated cleanroom environment.
Stores any pod, or shipping box
Available in various heights to use chase depth to store carriers as opposed to bay width
Capacity can be 100”s to 1000”s depending on height available and pod size.
Cleanroom environment inside stocker by using HEPA filters to provide laminar flow top to bottom and exhaust fans for areas with moving parts.
Supports AGV, PGV and OHT Delivery
Inventory tracking software with GEM comm to host for realtime updates and status.